Greenletes Podcast

The Secrets To Meal Prepping, according to an expert-- with Nicole Osinga, MAN, BASc, RD

Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD

Today is all about meal prepping for plant-based people! Welcome Nicole Osinga, a Registered Dietitian in the Greater Toronto Area. You can find Nicole on local or national TV and on Instagram/TikTok, where she is known as the 'Plant-Based Meal Prep Expert' and has an audience of over 100 K on Instagram and 44 K on TikTok. 

We chat about: 

  • Her meal prepping journey
  • The benefits of meal prep, particularly for athletes
  • How to go about picking and organizing meals for the week?
  • Tips for cooking multiple meal at once 
  • Are there certain foods that are easier to meal prep?
  • Tips to include packages foods into meal prepping
  • How to make meal prepping less overwhelming

Follow Nicole @nicoleosinga_rd and Natalie @greenletes.

Read more about meal prepping here:

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📕: Planted Performance